Friend Code Exchange for The Legend of Zelda: Tri-Force Heroes

PNID : 1048 - 7587 - 4077 pls tag me with yours if you’ve add me @

Added you to my friends list. Here’s mine:

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hola aqui estoy yo mi código es 4262-4534-3792

Looking for people to play tru force with send friend codes aswell ♪(^^)o∀∀o(^^)♪♪(^^)
my code is 2415_2725_3048 and my name is MR.Vin

I want friends to play Mario Kart 7 and Tri-Force Heroes and obviously IRONFALL Invasion
my code is:4268-5852-1484
Tell me what game to play with you and give me your code and I speak English and Spanish

Hello, here is mine

Hola, aqui esta el mio


@Derekucho2011 @hoffey_the_dog @Blader2099 @ddd666 Ya los agregue

Hey here is my friend code if anyone wants to play with me 1430-9172-5049

Hay you wanna Play My friend code is: 0229-4409-6144