Friend Code Exchange for Pokémon games on 3DS

Add me please, my Friend Code is 5169-9309-9014

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I added you @Lukeabuori and all other in the chat (sorry I can’t ping everyone I added) but I hope we can play together :slight_smile:

Added everyone in the thread who I could! My FC is 4267-4707-7599; I play both Gen 6 and 7, particularly looking for secret bases in ORAS.

Ich freue migh über viele anftagen code 3494 3399 9359 Spiel name ist ASHKetchum wird genauso geschrieben

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hey is it out for general use yet?

added pretty much evey1 here my FC is 1004-0650-2711 I have Y and sun

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Not yet unfortunately, we don’t have any ETAs.

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I forget To put my FC, so now a added you too @Saffron , @Ash-Ketchum and @Skiloo

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Moin ich brüchr dein code noch damit ich dich hinzufügen kann

My code is 108953223015

i added @DarkLink18 shinypori sasuke617 and @slushiee add me back my friend code is 5380-2003-7611

Add me as well.


For anyone that still plays Pokemon Rumble World, please share your friend code! Here’s mine: 1775-4771-5723

Add me


Hi, I’m looking for friends for the friend safari.
FC: 0358-7828-9424

The problem with friend safari is that all safari are fighting type and have the same pokemon

Hi i’m looking for friends for friend safari
Sanjuuy / 0226-5943-9885

Hola los voy a agregar a todos mi codigo



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Hey everyone! :blush: I’m new to Pretendo and I know Pokémon games aren’t supported yet. Still, I’d love to swap friend codes with you all!

Mine is: 4742-4595-0429

hello, please add me, i gonna play online too

my code is:4051-2089-0233