Fantasy life server revival

Will fantasy life ever get the love it derveses? :frowning:

What kind of game is it?

Pretendo will almost support every game,so be patient

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(Sorry for the late reply) Its an adventure/skill level game. It has fighting, crafting, and gathering classes you have to juggle between. The ultimate goal is to master every life but you can only do one at a time. There are classes like mercenaries, tailors, lumberjacks, and blacksmiths. Every class needs items from another class to make pretty much anything so you can imagine how playing with people could make the level progression easier. Someones a carpenter while someone cuts down the diffent types of wood needed. Or someone mining for the blacksmith, or harvesting ingredients for a the cook. Theres no “same screen” borders either. One person can be in town just crafting while someone is multiple maps away.

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That sounds really cool and amazing!