Error when joining friends in Mario Kart 8

Hi so I cant join my friend on Mario Kart 8 it just says you were unable to join the room please try again later. if its a known bug feel free to make fun of me.

We’re not going to make fun of you, we’re a welcoming community!

Welcome to the forums by the way :wave:

Could you try checking your NAT type for me? I’ll link you a guide below.


hey it’s me i cant message you miiverse broke ):

I checked its B the support code is 120-00 i think thats b

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It’s a network connection test support code, not an error code. Check the NAT type thread linked above for more information on that.

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So that shouldn’t be an issue on your end.

At further inspection, it seems like there might just be general issues with joining friends in Mario Kart 8. According to the game support status website that a Pretendo staff member runs, it looks like it can be finicky (if you want to take a look yourself, see

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Same thing for me in friends it says unable to join