Error 598-4000 Failing to load element on Juxt, it stated I should report the error here on the support page, nothing is wrong it just told me to do so. Everything is working now. Happens a few times.
Black 32GB Wii U System
Error 598-4000 Failing to load element on Juxt, it stated I should report the error here on the support page, nothing is wrong it just told me to do so. Everything is working now. Happens a few times.
Black 32GB Wii U System
Can you tell me what was happening to make you run into that error?
Good Day, I attempted to Yeah a post, it succeeded then I pressed B and it delivered the error.
Thank You
I’ll get this forwarded on and see whether we can do anything (not familiar with this EC).
I appreciate your response, Thanks!
@GamersInternatio did you manage to find anything to help out?
is it okay if this is closed now?
It depends if @ArtU26 is still having issues, I still don’t know how to help here
Sorry for late reply, It is only happening occasionally now, but it isn’t entirely gone, I am happy for the topic to be closed. Thanks for your support.