Error 598-4000 Juxt Failed To Load Element

Error 598-4000 Failing to load element on Juxt, it stated I should report the error here on the support page, nothing is wrong it just told me to do so. Everything is working now. Happens a few times.

Black 32GB Wii U System

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Can you tell me what was happening to make you run into that error?

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Good Day, I attempted to Yeah a post, it succeeded then I pressed B and it delivered the error.

Thank You

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I’ll get this forwarded on and see whether we can do anything (not familiar with this EC).

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I appreciate your response, Thanks!

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@GamersInternatio did you manage to find anything to help out?

Unfortunately not, mentioned it to staff but didn’t hear anything.

is it okay if this is closed now?

It depends if @ArtU26 is still having issues, I still don’t know how to help here

Sorry for late reply, It is only happening occasionally now, but it isn’t entirely gone, I am happy for the topic to be closed. Thanks for your support.

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