Error 116-1028 on Miiverse startup

Good morning/evening (depending on where you are based),

Have my Wii U soft-modded with Aroma, working just fine, except for the Miiverse/juxtaposition.
Every time I’m trying to start up, error 116-1028 occurs and forces me back to the menu (Wara Wara Plaza isn’t affected from this - messages of the community are shown).
This specific error code couldn’t be found in this forum - Also, searched the rest of the internet, without a trace!
If anyone can, please assist me on that.



so it happens every time like every time try
press L R - then inkay
turn it off then press l R - again go to inkay press turn on or true then back if it works then you see plaza idk and welcome to pretendo network and try miiverse if i am wrong

Thanks. So, changed from true to false and after that vice versa. Error code 116-1028 still pops up :frowning: No chance of entering juxtaposition…

What version of Inkay are you using by any chance?

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We’ve made some changes to the server that should have resolved this now.

Can you check that Juxtaposition works fine now?

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It‘s the current version (Github).
But tried again and finally it works!
Thanks a lot for your support :slight_smile:
Have a nice day!

Kind regards,

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