Hola quiero ver mi ID de pretendo porque soy de cemu y quiero conectar mi cuenta (cosa que tampoco no se en Cemu) me enseñan
Sorry if I misunderstand your post, I’m using Circle to Search to translate your post but do you have an actual Wii U? From what I can tell, you might not have one and it is illegal to use Cemu without having files from a legitimate Wii U that you own.
I understand but in Cemu in a section there are accounts and there it was I pretendo . Explain to me why that is!
I’m not understanding your comment. Pretendo officially supports linking to Cemu, but only for users that have legitimately acquired files from their Wii U.
If you don’t have a Wii U, you legally need one to play games in Cemu.
Hello again, now I have an app called SmmServer that puts the pretendo servers in the cemu that is already included with the app. I want to see my ID to link it (if you activate pretendo and the online one in Super Mario Maker)
Your Pretendo Network ID is the same name you use on the forum, @ElCrepper71.