Change region on Pretendo

Hello, is it possible to change the continent (Americas, Europe, JPN) of the Pretendo ID Account? I bought a European New 3DS, but I live in Brazil. Unfortunately, because of this, I’m stuck with the Europe options when selecting my country of residence. If there is no way to change it, it would be interesting to include this option. I’d like to show my correct country in the Mii Street Plaza and on my profile.

Even if I create a new Pretendo ID, registering a new ID within the console only allows me to select countries in Europe.

It’s already been asked before and no as of now you can’t change region.

If you have a modded Wii U, yes. You can change your region.

For the record, the 3DS doesn’t even use the account’s country settings and uses the console’s separate setting

tbh if you REALLY wanted a Pretendo account from a different region you could’ve at least created one while using a VPN

It doesn’t matter what region you create an account from, it’s always United States / Florida by default unless you make it on console.

oh, that’s interesting
no wonder 75% of the players I come across in mario kart claim to be from Florida