I tried doing the steps mentioned here: Pnid deletion request (for this account) - Support - Pretendo Network
But it fails to unlink. I also get a 000-0000 error instead of 022-5432. I also tried deleting through the system settings but an error also occurs.
Is there any other fix I can try other than having to factory reset my console?
Use gm9. It says that you can unlimk your NNID, but the premise is the exact same for PNIDs.
I did consider using gm9 as well but seems risky as some users reported that it can cause the 3ds to not boot: I tried to remove my PNID and now my 3DS can’t boot - Support - Pretendo Network
I’d rather not recommend that
Yeah, 005-4270 (iirc) is normal since Pretendo doesn’t run eShop servers.
Have you had Rverse in the past?
By fails to unlink, do you mean that your PNID still shows up in System Settings on Pretendo servers?
Try checking your Luma config for 000-0000. You probably need modules and game patching enabled, if you already dont have rverse.