Cant reach juxt

Hey! Ive been facing the problem of infinite loading trying to run juxt on 3ds for the last 12 hours or so, i also tried to open nnid in system settings but faced the same thing. Everything worked properly yesterday so i cant figure out what can be the problem :frowning: i hope anyone can help

Just a quick question do you have or something like that in your files or have you ever used rverse before using juxt?

No, nothing like that, never used rverse too

restart your 3ds, change to a different wifi router, check your DNS settings, your NAT Type, and check your Luma configurations.

Is every other part of the Pretendo Network working (like online play)?

Unfortunately none of that worked for me :frowning:

Yes, everything else works perfectly, just finished playing mk7 online xd i guess im having troubles only with pnid for some reason

Is this on the old 3DS/3DS XL/2DS or the “New” 3DS/3DS XL/2DS XL?

Im playing on old 3ds

Have you tried reinstalling Nimbus?

Yeah i tried, no use from that too :pensive:

Let’s try this
Open Nimbus and switch back to the Nintendo Network
Open the eShop and wait for it to load
Then, go back to Nimbus switch to the Pretendo Network.

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Oh, and while you are at the Nintendo Network, open up Miiverse, and does it pop up 002-2882?

Nah its 015-5015. I tried that thing with switching to nintendo network and running eshop but it didnt work, still infinite loading miiverse back on pretendo network :frowning: is there any way i can log out of my pnid without system settings? I have a feeling that relogging in might help

Just make sure you are in Pretendo

Thank you! That worked well but trying to relog in to my pnid i got stuck on the next step after choosing which mii (the 3ds’ one or the pnid’s one) im going to use online, for some reason it cant connect to the account server or something i guess thats the problem, still facing that infinite loading

one more thing, do you have a NNID (Nintendo ID) on your console? If it is the same, it may cause conflctions with the account server

Nah my 3ds is not connected to any nnid :frowning:

Maybe try using a different Internet connection (ie: your phone’s hotspot)?

I tried at least 3 different wifi routers plus phone hotspot, no use from that :frowning:
I also updated both system and luma, it didn’t help too

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