Can't link PNID on Wii U due to matching usernames

As you can see in the title, I have that problem. I created my Pretendo Network ID through the website and the next day I try to enter it into my Wii U because it does not leave me. I have two hypotheses:

  • My Nintendo Network ID is just like my Network ID Pretendo.
  • Email could not be linked due to traffic.

Como ven en el título, tengo ese problema. Creé mi Pretendo Network ID a través del sitio web y al día siguiente intento ingresarlo a mi Wii U porque no me deja. Tengo dos hipótesis:

  • Mi Nintendo Network ID es igual que mi Pretendo Network ID.
  • El correo electrónico no se pudo vincular debido al tráfico.

You cannot use a PNID if the username is the same as an NNID already linked. Please unlink the PNID and create a new one with a different username

Yes, I would like to use both profiles since I got to buy some things in the eShop, so I will decide to create a new account with the same email. Can they delete this account so that it does not remain an inactive account and be able to use my own email?

You are able to use the same email for multiple PNIDs.

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How good, then:D, I will go create my new account right now, but… It would be good if you could delete this account so that it is not doing anything or inactive. :sweat_smile:

You should make a new thread for account deletion.

CC @GamersInternatio, can you forward this on to the devs?

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A GDPR request has already been made :grinning:


Pretty sure this can be closed since the user’s account is deleted.