After updating User Mii Juxt still shows original Mii's name

I changed the name of my user Mii (Which is properly reflected on the Pretendo account page) after having already making a post (which is what made me realize I hadn’t updated it yet) and the new name of the used Mii is not reflected by juxt.

TLDR: Made a post on juxt, realized Mii was incorrect, changed it, juxt doesn’t show new Mii name.

(The system I used to update the Mii and use juxt through Miiverse with was the Wii U)

Might need to wait for it to update? I’m not sure about the specifics of how it works on Juxt

It seems that every post somehow stores Mii name? I noticed this many many months too…

In that case, that prob should be changed, saving the Mii name per post seems like an unneeded use of DB storage.

If you update your Mii, the image will take a while to change but dont expect your old posts to contain your new name (unless the API gets updated to remove this), but new posts should have it…

EDIT: It seems the post does save the screen name, i assume it was to follow the post structure from the Miiverse API?

Maybe this should be changed to just pull the users current name when any posts requests are done in the Miiverse API in the future, as i said before it should probably not be stored.

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New posts have the old name actually.

Hopefully this gets fixed, but the information here is genuinely helpful for understanding what may have gone wrong.