Add template for Wii U/3DS/Cemu Support sub-categories and refine existing templates

Considering we’re still planning to move most support enquiries over to the forum eventually, making sure we have a good template will be important to help people effectively.

First of all, we should ask people to look at before making a post as some codes do appear there (such as 104-2210:, although information is outdated imo and lacking (I believe @spletz has a few feature requests up to fix this).

Next, we should also ask users to search existing posts on the forum to see whether they can solve an issue.

Finally, we should suggest that if the question is a general Homebrew one, questions should be redirected to GBAtemp or Nintendo Homebrew and we should suggest that if you think this is a bug, report it on GitHub.

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Thanks for the ideas! I’ve added them to the support post template and the subcategories.

I will also add that Discourse seems to have a form templates feature. I’m not going to dive into that right now, but it might be interesting.

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