Add separate categories for 3DS and Wii U questions in #support

As you might have noticed, 3ds and wiiu are by far the most popular tags on the forum with 274 and 203 posts using those tags are the time of writing respectively.

I know that they’re used often in both the General and Support categories, but I feel like Support could do with sub-categories for 3DS and Wii U just to organise it a bit. It would be similar to this in some way:

except you’d still be able to post to the main support category


Alright, I agree having console subcategories for 3DS and Wii U makes sense. Maybe a Cemu subcategory too?

Then, other general issues can just go in the parent category. I’m also thinking of adding automatic tagging for specific games to make them easier to find.

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I have created Wii U Support, 3DS Support, and Cemu Support. I’m going to clean up the tags and move things into the correct subcategory now.

Edit: deleted the wiiu and 3ds tags in favor of the subcategories. I don’t think we can realistically go through the hundreds of Support topics to move them to the correct subcategory, but if you want to move some recent ones that would be fine.


We can’t actually make topic in those categories right now btw and people can’t mark posts as a solution

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Thanks for letting me know, I enabled solved. I didn’t realize settings weren’t inherited from the parent category. You should definitely be able to post there though?

Not on my end at the moment

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Uh, that’s weird…

Seems like a problem on your end? I just tested with another non-mod account.

Now I can see it, idk what happened there

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