I was having issues with getting into miiverse, so I decided read a pretendo forum:
I followed the steps in the error 015-5015 but then was slapped in the face with something like " This Nintendo Network ID is already associated with another user on this console".
So what I did was delete my nnid and created a new one, hoping that It would work. I was able to sign in on nnid on Nintendo’s server but the same problem happened again. I looked around on the internet and found someone saying I could disconnect my nnid from my 3ds Nintendo server from godmode9. I did it and now when I try to sign in on pretendo nnid in settings I’m slapped with “the information entered is not correct. you may have entered a club nintendo account id”. And I’m 100% sure I put the correct information. Please help.
Congratulations on following bad advice, unlinking the NNID was not necessary
If you were getting 022-2571, it means you were choosing the same username as your NNID for your PNID, and you had to choose another username
If you are getting 022-2613 on Pretendo, you are either putting invalid credentials or you are having the NNID glitch (proving once again that having or not having the NNID doesnt really matter!!!)
To fix the NNID glitch, go to Nintendo servers, open the eShop and come back to Pretendo. If you had important stuff on your NNID (purchased software, Pokémon Bank stuff or badges, just link that NNID again, you can just keep it alongside with your PNID)
Oof, Sorry i’m kinda new to pretendo, sorry.
I tried following your advice but now I am getting error 015-5015 on pretendo servers. Also I still get " This Nintendo Network ID is already associated with another user on this console" when trying to sign in through settings. What am I supposed to do now?
Like I said, assuming you didnt make your PNID before, if that message is 022-2571, you have to choose another PNID if it’s the same as your NNID or if it’s already taken by another person.
If you have already made this account (you can check at https://pretendo.network/login) and it lets you in, you should do link an existing ID instead.
Oooh so Instead of using the same account, I make another account for a pretendo. Since the new account isn’t working for neither Nintendo servers nor Pretendo servers, Im assuming I should completly restart by making 1 new account for Nintendo and 1 for Pretendo?
Make sure you are on Nintendo servers (check Nimbus) and try again (for the record it’s not required to use Pretendo, but if you had important stuff as I said before, feel free to undo the mistake by linking it again)
Ok so I tried making the account and it got error 022-2402, thankfully I saw a reddit post saying to change the language to Spanish. And finally I was able to get onto Miiverse. Thank you so much. I am truly grateful for your help!