3DS Image Share

Now I know you guys are probably gonna be like “ermagerd go to [When will (feature X) be supported] ermagerd” BUT this is not one of those posts, it’s more like an “is it possible” post, because it might be useful (especially more useful than using your phone or laptop camera to screenshot… yuck!)

I think that it was a service by itself and I’m not the kind of guy to revive a shut-down service made by NINTENDO so yeah…

I found out that it closed in late October 2022.

Would that mean that there’s most likely more network dumps stashed away somewhere? Because it’s more recent, I mean.

As far as I know, it should be possible since 3DS Image Share was just a website, but the development team does not currently have any plans related to this. To be clear, this is not to say that we will never work on this - just that nothing is currently planned.

I found this GitHub repo for an Image-Share-like server (which has no relationship to Pretendo) from a quick Google search, so it seems like a replacement service already exists. I don’t think it would be too hard to make the image share button redirect to this replacement server.

Edit: I tested this on a local server using mitmproxy, and setting up a redirect from i.pretendo.cc to theimageshare.com works totally fine.

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There is actually a working revival!, but it might be limited due to the Twitter API limit on requests out of its lower plans, also, only Twitter/Tumblr work.

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Funny, because Twitter doesn’t work FULL STOP on my 2DS. “Your browser is outdated”, they say.

it uses the “verification code” method to connect your account without actually opening anything twitter related on your 3DS/Wii U

So… theoretically, I could connect to my Twitter account where I’m following this one person who does cool drawings and another person who I know from the Fandom-based Animal Crossing wiki?

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you can connect to twitter/tumblr yes from this website since its basically an rehosted version of the original Wii U/Nintendo 3DS Image Share with the in-page authentication removed (since wii u browser doesnt support twitter to even log in) to the code authentcation

you should test it right now! lol

didnt say but the author of this site is JarHead who you can find on pretendo

Awesome!!! And again, just checking this works even with an UNmodded console, right?

Since you seem to be familiar with the 3DS ecosystem…
Does Miiverse on 3DS allow sharing images in the form of a post?

Does Miiverse on 3DS allow sharing images in the form of a post?

Not him, but pretty sure it does.

Also, only Twitter/Tumblr work.

Oof… can’t say I use either of them.


I’m only on Twitter for one person who does cool drawings of their OCs.

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yes since its literally just a website you can access on the Internet Browser

I just did it yesterday!