3DS Friend Code Exchange / looking for people to add

In order to keep the friend codes listed here fresh, we automatically remove replies that are older than 2 weeks old. If you’re still looking for friends, just repost your friend code again! Learn more at Auto-deleting old replies in 3DS friend code exchange.

This change doesn’t currently apply to any other friend code exchange.

Looking for some people to add on Wii U and 3DS, if you added me on 3DS please let me know your code so I can add you back!

My Wii U PNID is Asomn360, and my 3DS code is 4656-5509-8094.

[moderator note: please only share Pretendo Network friend codes]

Looking for friends in a specific game?

Friend code exchanges for specific games are available, which may make it easier to find friends.

Looking to share IDs and other creative work in 3DS games?

Exchanges for specific games are available which allow you to share your creative work in various 3DS games and find some new creative work to use or play with (sorry that’s very vague, best I could come up with).


@DutchGio @cringy77 @Cirked Added you, my fc is 4478-5086-2431

Hola busco gente para agregar con el código de amigo, juego cualquier cosa especialmente animal crossing new leaf.
Código: 2031-0515-6673
Nombre: Raúl

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hi :innocent: i added you my code is 3967-3472-3417

mi code friend is: 5122-0593-0114
mi codigo de amigo es:5122-0593-0114

agregado, mi codigo de amigo 2031-0515-6673

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Going through the previous ones, finally having some contacts :slight_smile:

My Friend Code is 3703-9286-8006

I didn’t realize wow.

Anyways, my FC is 0827-6012-2525 for active online players! I play every Pretendo-Supported game.

i added evry one of you my code is 3967-3472-3417 :slightly_smiling_face:

Added you! my fc is 4478-5086-2431

Posting again after 14 day.
Added everyone here. My code is: 2718-0120-8178

Added @ThigoWxdPretendo @DutchGio @Damenfir13010 @MrBeefgnaw @cringy77 @Cirked @chameleon03 @salmon01xd @Walegi

My friend code is: 2118 - 6724 - 3680 and my PNID is: Paolorv10

Mi código de amigo es: 2118 - 6724 - 3680 y mi PNID es: Paolorv10


Added you and @BrendaK06

My friend code is: 2118 - 6724 - 3680 and my PNID is: Paolorv10

Friend Code is 0400-3287-8303! Feel free to add if you like

agregado bro ya esta todo listo

@alex_likespotato @Paolorv10 @BrendaK06 @chameleon03 @Damenfir13010 I’ve added you, my friend code is 5257-4311-9959

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FC 0096-3768-5084. Looking for people for Streetpass Mii Plaza.

My fc is 2975-7687-8721 looking to add people in general (mostly yo-kai watch and tri force heroes)

my friend code is
wii u : howiee
3ds : 0701 - 8302 - 7268